Shutting Interfaces from Kron using Macros in Cisco IOS
You should be able to use kron and macros to be able to shut interfaces on a scheduled basis in Cisco IOS.
1. Make a macro to shut the interfaces (or perform other nested tasks)
1. Make a macro to shut the interfaces (or perform other nested tasks)
Router(config)# macro name macro_name1
Router(config)# interface Vlan1
Router(config-if)# shutdown
Router(config-if)# no shutdown @
2. Make a kron job to call the Cisco IOS macro.Router(config)# kron policy-list policy_name1
Router(config-kron-policy)# cli macro_name1
Router(config-kron-policy)# exit3. Next, create a kron occurrence, in which you tell the router when and how often you want to run this policy list (i.e., group of commands). Here's an example:
Router(config)# kron occurrence policy_name1 at 22:00 Mon recurring
Router(config-kron-occurrence)# policy-list policy_name1
Router(config-kron-occurrence)# exit
Using macros with IOS
Schedule Kron with IOS
This does not work.
I have a Cisco 851W and the command "cli macro_name1" could not be executed.
Try in enable mode the command "macro_name1"
Does it work?
No, so this tutorial is useless
Posted by Unknown | 9:31 AM
It can be done by EEM.
Router(config)#event manager applet shutdown-vlan1
Router(config-applet)#event timer cron name shutdown-vlan1-schedule cron-entry "0 22 * * *"
Router(config-applet)#action 01.0 cli command "enable"
Router(config-applet)#action 02.0 cli command "config t"
Router(config-applet)#action 03.0 cli command "interface vlan1"
Router(config-applet)#action 04.0 cli command "shutdown"
Router(config-applet)#action 05.0 cli command "no shutdown"
Router(config-applet)#action 06.0 syslog msg "vlan1 interface has been bounced"
Router#sh even manager policy registered
No. Class Type Event Type Trap Time Registered Name
1 applet user timer cron Off Sat Oct 15 17:22:03 2011 shutdown-vlan1
name {shutdown-vlan1-schedule} cron entry {0 22 * * *}
maxrun 20.000
action 01.0 cli command "enable"
action 02.0 cli command "config t"
action 03.0 cli command "interface vlan1"
action 04.0 cli command "shutdown"
action 05.0 cli command "no shutdown"
action 06.0 syslog msg "vlan1 interface has been bounced"
Posted by Win Naing | 5:28 AM
This post is useless since you can not run macros using Kron..
Posted by fran saez | 12:49 PM