Smoking Stats
Quit Smoking? Earn Cash!
Quitting smoking never sounded so great. I can make money with the money I would have been spending on cigarettes. This definitly a good thing.
Internet Stats
The internet is growing rapidly, there is not telling what people do on the internet. Or is there? Between the 94,000,000 American adults who go online every single day this Fall, 63% use search engines, 77% use email, Im guessing its somewhere around 90% that use MySpace. Such a captive audience but a diluted market.
Quitting smoking never sounded so great. I can make money with the money I would have been spending on cigarettes. This definitly a good thing.
Internet Stats
The internet is growing rapidly, there is not telling what people do on the internet. Or is there? Between the 94,000,000 American adults who go online every single day this Fall, 63% use search engines, 77% use email, Im guessing its somewhere around 90% that use MySpace. Such a captive audience but a diluted market.